Does Homoeopathy Work For Sleep Disorders?

Dr. Saran Arora
3 min readDec 5, 2020

Do you enjoy a good night’s sleep?

Good sleep is when you can fall asleep easily, your sleep is not interrupted frequently and when you wake up you feel refreshed in the morning.

If you have difficulty falling asleep or in having continuous sleep through the night, let me tell you, it is not normal for a person of any age. There is no fixed amount of hours that you require, it’s just the quality of the sleep that matters.

Good quality sleep is important to maintain a good physical and mental health

  • Adults need about 6–9 hours of sound sleep
  • Infants require 16–20 hours of sleep
  • Children need about 10–13 hours of sleep daily
  • Pre-teens and teenagers need 9–10 hours of sleep
  • After 50 years of age, the sleep duration is about 5–6 hours at night

However, if you sleep for like 4–6 hours and wake up refreshed then also it’s completely good as your body understands how many hours it needs to rest, restore and recover.

But if you are unable to get a good amount of sleep or feel restless during the night or struggle while you hit the bed you might be having sleep disorders.

Sleeplessness or Insomnia

If you are facing difficulty in falling asleep or difficulty in staying asleep and it is affecting your ability to perform routine functions smoothly, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder known as insomnia or sleeplessness.

So there are these three types of insomnia:

  1. Transient Insomnia

A mild form of insomnia that lasts from 1 night to a few nights and passes off in a few days. The person’s ability to function normally during the daytime is not much affected.

2. Short-term Insomnia

One may suffer from insomnia for a few nights to a month and this may affect the daytime functions of a person. Also, it can result in irritability and tiredness.

3. Chronic Insomnia

Chronic insomnia may last for months affecting a person severely. It may affect your mental capacities, focus, concentration, mood, memory or even your task handling efficiency.

Homoeopathic treatment for sleeplessness

Let me be clear here, homoeopathy is not a sleeping pill, it treats the root cause by trying to correct your sleep mechanism.

Homeopathic treatment for sleeplessness treats the disease at the root level trying to find out the underlying cause of sleeplessness by trying to evaluate

  • the presentation of the symptoms
  • history of the present complaint
  • the lifestyle of the person
  • emotional make-up of the person
  • current mental state
  • the past medical history
  • family history

The cause of sleeplessness is identified and the treatment is aimed towards treating that cause to treat the disease at a deeper level.

How does homoeopathy help in treating helplessness?

  • Improves the ability of the mind and body to handle the stress
  • Treats the underlying cause of sleeplessness
  • Improves the quality of sleep
  • Calms and relaxes the mind

Homeopathy is absolutely safe and free from any side-effects

Homeopathic medicines do not cause dependency and are non-habit-forming. With regular use of homeopathic medicines, the need for sleeping pills may reduce.

Book your appointment to treat sleeplessness now



Dr. Saran Arora

A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed teacher, Dr Saran Arora M.D. is the Director of Dr. Saran’s Homoeopathic Clinic